When the first Bohemian Rhapsody trailer dropped and there was all that mess about Freddie getting straightwashed, etc., it made me think about some stuff I've seen other fans complain about since I first started using the internet, and then I realized that that was about 20 years ago. So I've compiled a list of things - in no specific order because I've never kept strict logs - I've seen Queen fans complain (read: throw a massive tantrum) about since 1998 (most of the older examples are from the Queenzone forums, but also the OIQFC chatroom back in the day) (I swear on my Brian May-autographed copy of his book Diableries that I'm not making any of these up):
- Roger grew a goatee
- Roger shaved off his goatee
- Brian, Roger, and John didn’t want to do anything for a while under the Queen name without Freddie
- Someone suggested it might be cool if Brian, Roger, and John would occasionally tour as Queen, with Brian and Roger taking turns on lead vocals (1998-2000+)
- Someone suggested it might be cool if Brian, Roger, and John would occasionally tour as Queen with a varying lineup of different singers from the tribute concert (1998-2001+)
- Freddie, Brian, and Roger’s solo stuff doesn’t sound enough like Queen
- Brian and Roger would play too many Queen songs at their respective solo shows
- They didn’t sound exactly like previous Queen shows
- Brian and Roger wouldn’t play enough Queen songs at their respective solo shows
- John retired
- Someone said it would be cool if John would come out of retirement
- Manager Jim Beach did his job as band manager and executor of Freddie’s will and should be flensed
- Archivist Greg Brooks did ??? and should be flensed (I honestly have no idea what he did for some Queen fans to wish him dead. Please inform)
- Someone said they didn’t like a Queen song
- Someone said they loved every single Queen song
- Brian and Roger sang lead on some of their songs on the albums, which was apparently unfair to Freddie as HE was the lead vocalist
- Someone expressed an opinion on the Hot Space album
- Someone expressed an opinion on the Jazz album
- Some people said that Bohemian Rhapsody was their favorite song
- Some people said that Bohemian Rhapsody wasn’t their favorite song
- Someone tried to start a discussion on Bohemian Rhapsody’s possible meaning
- Someone tried to speculate who actually wrote which songs on The Miracle and Innuendo before Brian and Roger would eventually casually disclose in interviews, which was apparently grossly disrespectful of their song crediting decisions
- Freddie didn’t hang in there long enough to see advancements in AIDS treatment that would have probably kept him alive up to today, therefore depriving us all of more of his music, which was super inconsiderate of him
- Jim Hutton wrote a book about his life with Freddie and it made him some money
- Peter “Phoebe” Freestone wrote a book about his life with, and another about his life after Freddie and both made him some money
- Mary Austin hasn’t written a book about her life with Freddie
- Mary Austin inherited Freddie’s estate and surely must have been meticulously planning for that since 1970
- Brian and Roger eventually started working under the Queen name again supposedly without considering John’s feelings on the matter
- John had given them his blessing to move forward without him
- Queen have collaborated with musicians that are popular with people under the age of 30 on different occasions throughout the years (although I still agree that 5ive and Robbie Williams were not musically good choices)
- Someone had feelings that were higher than lukewarm about the 1992 version of Greatest Hits
- Someone suggested that members of Queen fucked around with some drugs here and there (just because they didn’t go the “Motley Crue” route doesn’t mean…)
- Newer bands and artists don’t sound anything like Queen (If I had a fucking nickel for every time I’ve heard this…)
- Newer bands and artists who sound a bit like Queen, which is why some Queen fans even noticed them to begin with, cited Queen as a major influence, so that makes them talentless, overrated hacks who are just trying to imitate Queen, and should be flensed
- A famous musician said they didn’t like Queen, or that Queen was just okay, so that makes them a talentless, overrated hack who should be flensed
- A currently popular band covered a Queen song (if it’s even a little bit different, it’s “ruined,” and if it’s close to the original, “it’s too boring”, or they’re “trying to sound exactly like Queen and how dare anyone ever try?”)
- Some people under the age of 18 are only interested in current pop music, and so they should be flensed (I totally used to be in that camp when I was a kid, but then I grew up and got over myself)
- The tribute concert hasn’t been released in its entirety (I understand why it hasn’t, but I do agree that it’s frustrating)
- Queen haven’t released an album with all new material since Made In Heaven or the 1997 track “No-one But You”
- Queen released an album with all new material in 2008
- It didn’t sound exactly the same as any of the albums with Freddie, even though no Queen album sounds exactly the same anyway (It has some good gems in there, though)
- Queen haven’t released more previously unreleased material
- Queen were only able to release more previously unreleased material if it was part of a compilation album because their label wouldn’t let them just release an EP, and people bought it
- Some people buy literally anything Queen puts out there
- Some people don’t buy literally everything Queen puts out there
- Brian stopped dyeing his hair
- Freddie has become recognized as a queer pop culture icon
- Someone did a Queen cover and posted it on Youtube
- Someone whose first language is not English did a Queen cover and posted it on Youtube
- Someone assigned female at birth and presents as femme did a Queen cover and posted it on Youtube
- Someone who was born past a time that they could have theoretically seen Queen in 1986 or earlier expressed a desire to see Queen’s current lineup in concert
- Someone who actually saw Queen in 1986 or earlier expressed a desire to see Queen’s current lineup in concert
- Stories and TV specials about Freddie focus and speculate too much on his personal life and final days because SOME people have the nerve to want to learn who Freddie was as a person
- Stories and TV specials about Freddie don’t have enough factual information about his personal life and final days because “it would just be really great to learn about the man behind all that great music, you know?”
- People taking a minute to be sad about Freddie’s death any time that’s not November 24th are somehow disrespecting Queen’s music (I still don’t understand this logic 20 years on. Please inform)
- The anniversary of Freddie’s death isn’t an internationally observed bereavement holiday giving license to miss work or school for the day
- The We Will Rock You Musical exists and some people like it
- Someone bought Freddie’s NYC apartment and didn’t turn it into a shrine for Freddie
- A tribute band is more focused on sounding like Queen than looking like Queen and should be flensed
- A tribute band is trying to look and/or sound like Queen but falls a bit short because of whatever constraints that are well outside of their control and should be flensed
- A tribute band sounds very shockingly close to Queen and has near-perfect costumes and mannerisms, but isn’t actually Queen, and should be taken down a peg or whatever via flensing
- Mary Austin has had to do stuff to prevent fans from writing on the exterior Garden Lodge wall because it was veering constantly into the territory of public property damage, and it was an ongoing hassle for her and city officials, but she set it up so that fans can still leave Freddie notes on pieces of paper that she’ll collect every so often, and the city will not be inconvenienced or polluted, so fans can still do SOMETHING to pay their respects, and that makes her an asshole who never actually gave a shit about Freddie at all
- Some people voted for someone other than Freddie in a Best Live Entertainer/Singer poll that was made just for fun
- A Queen fan said that their *most* favorite band was not Queen
- Queen worked with Paul Rodgers and some people liked it*
- People said it was awesome how much Marc Martel sounds like Freddie
- Roger agreed with them
- Queen are currently working with Adam Lambert and some people like it
- They made a biopic about Ray Charles, but not about Queen and Freddie (2004) (I too was a bit miffed because it didn’t seem like such a thing would ever happen)
- There were rumors about a planned biopic, and that an actor would be cast as Freddie (just the idea of literally anyone playing Freddie had some people foaming at the mouth)
- There’s now a biopic about Queen and Freddie
- An actor was cast as Freddie (it wouldn’t matter if it was Rami or literally anyone else, there are still people who are determined to foam at the mouth about it)
- The film and trailer acknowledge that Freddie and Mary Austin were involved in the 70’s, and that objective fact somehow counts as straight-washing
- The film not getting up to 1991 clearly means that the script is pretending that AIDS wasn’t a thing at all and that Freddie didn’t die from it, despite what the synopsis says, and confirmation from the cast in interviews
- Brian told Rami Malek that Freddie would be very proud of him for his portrayal
What a wild ride it's been!
*One person on the Queenzone forums suggested that all "true" fans go out and buy Queen + Paul Rodgers tickets, and then burn them in a huge bonfire to "send Brian and Roger a message."
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