I'm currently in my hometown in Illinois. I'm happy to say that my Queen shrine has been kept relatively intact, aside from my brother carelessly mixing some things up. So I took the liberty of cleaning and reorganizing it and taking pictures because, holy crap, my stuff is awesome. And they're thumbnails, so you can click to make them bigger.
Vinyl albums
Sheer Heart Attack, A Night At The Opera, Jazz, three copies of
News Of The World, and
A Day At The Races. I already had one copy of NOTW and attached a newspaper clipping listing Queen as one of the 2001 inductees into the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame. My grandmother recently began sorting through my late uncle's records and sent SHA, ANATO, Jazz, ADATR and the other two copies of NOTW to my dad's house for me.
VHS tapes. One taped copy of VH1 Legends, Magic Years volume 2, taped Magic Years volumes 1 and 3, Classic, Champions Of The World, Interview Sessions, Greatest Flix III, We Will Rock You, Greatest Hits, Live At Wembley '86.
My CD cases, part one.
My CD cases, part two.
In Nuce, At The BBC, The Queen Symphony, The Queen Collection by The Royal Philharmonic, Live At The Bowl, Live At Wembley Stadium, In Vision, The Gold Collection, The Platinum Collection, The Freddie Mercury Solo Collection, Barcelona, unofficial interview CD.
Painted glass portrait of Freddie Mercury circa 1977. Made by my uncle Mike.
2003 calendar.
Queen necklace.
Painted glass portrait of Freddie Mercury circa 1982. Made by my uncle Mike.
Queen plaque.
Painted glass portraits of Queen on the cover of
Hot Space. Made by my uncle Mike.
Poster advertising their April 16 1974 show.
The rest, as you might know by now, is safe and sound in my apartment in Boston. ... And yes, I'm trying to figure out how much shipping all that stuff will cost.